
About Tam Francis

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Tam Francis is the girl in the jitterbug dress, writing vintage romantic short stories and novels with a cocktail in one hand and a pen in the other.

She’s taught swing dancing with her husband for fifteen years and is an avid collector of vintage patterns, vintage clothing and antiques.  All of which make an appearance in her stories.

She has published, contributed, and been Editor-in-chief for two indie magazines – “From the Ashes” (Arts & Literature in the Greater Phoenix area 1990-1994) and “Swivel: Vintage Living” (swing dancing and vintage lifestyle culture 1994-2000).

Tam is  also a poet (two-time, National Poetry Slam city finalist, Scottsdale Center for the Arts Poetry Art Walk Featured Poet, New Times Feature Poet, Visual Voices Featured Writer) and short story writer (two-time finalist for Scare the Dickens Out of Us contest).  And finally blogger and novelist. She began blogging her dance adventures years ago on Myspace, but started her novel when her husband shipped out for Iraq and she was alone with their two small children.

She’s just released, the long awaited, the last book in the Jitterbug Dress series: Dances in the Dark (it’s spicier & darker). The Girl in the Jitterbug Dress, is continues to be her best-seller, but the one that fans go crazy for with amazing reviews is: The Flapper Affair. Don’t miss her short story collection: Ghostoria: Vintage Romantic Tales of Fright, available on kindle and in paperback.

I’m currently querying Person in Progress: 1980s European Travel Adventure, Luminous Glow (a YA dystopian found family romance), and Engendered (an adult speculative fiction romance).

She lives in a 1908 home in Lockhart, Texas, that is not only the BBQ capital of Texas, but has one of the oldest continually working libraries in the state.

Thank you so much for your interest, and I hope you enjoy my blog and books,

Tam Francis image
Tam Francis

Please wander over and visit my blog. There are easy to navigate subjects divided into swing culture subjects and my writing journey discoveries. If you find something interesting, feel free to share with your friends. I love hearing from readers who share my love of books, swing dancing, cooking, sewing, and all things vintage! If you need any books for special vintage or swing events, hit me up!

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