~ Don’t be a Fool: Query, Rewrite and Ninja Edit ~ The Torture of Querying It struck me that most of the blogs out there for writers are pushing self-publishing. Heck, I’m going to jump in with a short story collection, but am still on the fence about self-publishing the novel. Especially when gurus like […more…]
~ How to get Dealer Deals at the Auction: Home Vintage ~ by Tam Francis You got the dance lessons, you’re a great jitterbug. You’ve got the duds, the hair, the accessories, now you need to surround yourself at home with your favorite era antiques. On […more…]
~ Meet Django Reinhardt: The Gypsy Jazz Man ~ by the late Jacob Faust edited by Tam Francis Django Reinhardt, an in-depth biography on the late jazz guitarist virtuoso, written by his good friend and colleague Charles Delanunay, (published by Da Capo Press, London 1982). If ever there was a worthy account of this fascinating […more…]
~ How To Spot Phony Vintage ~ by Tam Francis I thought we gals had it figured out, but the more I read and see lately, the more inaccurate information is being passed off as fact. Vintage shops, auctions (ebay, etsy and live auctions) and even […more…]
~ The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion: Book Review ~ by Tam Francis Anyone who knows me, and even those who just met me, can tell I like the 1940s; I almost always dress vintage. Sometimes they’re an era off, but since I like the 1920s through 1950s its an easy in to a conversation. […more…]
~ Bakelite The Queen of Plastic Jewelry ~ The Clink of Bakelite Bracelets This past Christmas and birthday I received my first Bakelite bracelets, a gift from my dear friend Lynnda. As a swing dancer I had never bothered to invest,(if I knew then, what I know now, I would have). Sure, I’d picked up […more…]
~ What you Need to Know to Write an Author Introduction ~ by Tam Francis Set Yourself Apart with an Author Introduction With the proliferation of self-publishing, indie and hybrid publishing, it’s become increasingly difficult to stand out or set yourself apart. Why not consider asking an fellow author or a more established author to […more…]
~ The Short Story of The Shim Sham ~ by Harri Heinila This is a reblog from a wonderful site of the history of Jazz Dance. Harri Heinila has graciously agreed to let me share this with you on my site. The Shim Sham is one of my favorite line dances the I learned from Frankie […more…]