I had been overly optimistic. I still am to a small degree. My children are out of school and home (a blessing from COVID19 Quarantine), and I haven’t bought toilet paper yet, and even though I try to avoid the news, the death toll seeps into my mind. I find my anxiety level rising, especially at night. Reading more than anything has helped me cope and escape my anxiety during this COVID19 Quarantine.

I haven’t talked a lot about it, but I’ve had panic disorder and general anxiety disorder all my life. I have both the slow-rising anxiety and obsessive worry that builds and taints daily activities and the out-of-the-blue panic attacks that makes me feel as if my brain is oozing out of my head, on a roller-coaster of hot and cold chills, and someone has encased me in bubble-wrap. In my Girl in the Jitterbug Dress trilogy (The Girl in the Jitterbug Dress, Hops the Atlantic and Dances in the Dark), I’ve given my protagonist my disorder. Like me, she was undiagnosed and found clever ways to combat the symptoms as best she could.

As a child when I had a panic attack, I thought it was the devil trying to get me. In my brain, I pictured blackness swallowing me up. I would pray and picture God’s light rays pouring down and pushing away the blackness. Sometimes I would wear several layers of clothing and gather all my stuffed animals around me, almost covering me up–a little like ET in the Closet. As a teen, I would write, read, and have crazy cleaning frenzies where I would exhaust myself with a physical task.

It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I admitted to anyone that I had what I called my little freak-outs. In college, I would tremble and sweat and the only thing I that would help was to be held by my boyfriend. I became depressed and agoraphobic before my mom noticed and told me I needed to see a shrink. I did, got on medication for a year, but weaned myself off and developed cognitive strategies, changed my diet, and exercise routine.

I’ve been pretty good for many years. Except when my mother was dying–I was a mess, and still every time I fly. Not to say I don’t have the out-of-the-blue attacks, I do, but I know what they are, and my coping mechanisms have been helpful. That said, this COVID19 Quarantine has really amped up my anxiety levels. My number one coping mechanism has been reading. Sure, I’ve done some gardening, binge-watched some shows (The Witcher, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Sword Art Online), but nothing absorbs my mind so fully as reading. In Fact, I bought ALL The Witcher Books and read them all!
So I thought, what can I do to help other who might be struggling with rising anxiety and panic? BOOKS!

For the NEXT five days March 24-28, 2020 I’m offering my latest release for FREE. I asked my beta readers which book I should put out there. They thought Swing Shorts has something for everyone and most of the stories although vintage-y and dance related have strong women overcoming adversity.
COVID19 Quarantine GIFT: Swing Shorts
If you’re looking for other reading material, I have lots of book reviews on the site. I’m hoping to release Dances in the Dark soon (waiting on final edits). I’m also up to discuss my experience and what worked for me with my panic and anxiety. Please know you are NOT alone. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone who understands you can’t just shut it off or not be scared or just don’t think about it.
I hope you find solace in reading as I have and I hope this free book helps even a little!
Does reading help calm you? Do you have anxiety or panic? What coping mechanisms have worked for you? Do you know other writers or artists or musicians sharing their work during COVID19 Quarantine? One caveat I will say, is many musicians are out of work, so if you CAN donate, or buy their songs, please do. Same for authors and artists and dance teachers, too. I substitute teach to cover bills, but the schools are closed. Many mid-list and indie authors work day jobs that they may not be working right now. So if you CAN buy, buy. If you can’t lets share the generous FREE books and leave authors reviews on AMAZON & Goodreads and share your reviews on your social media.
Tam Francis is a writer, blogger, swing dance teacher, avid vintage collector, and seamstress. She shares her love of this genre through her novels, blog, and short stories. She enjoys hearing from you, sharing ideas, forging friendships, and exchanging guest blogs. For all the Girl in the Jitterbug Dress news, give-aways, events, and excitement, make sure to join her list and like her FB page! Join my list ~ Facebook page
Tam, great read and nice gas mask picture. Thanks for sharing
You can still be vintage cute even with gas masks! Thanks for coming to the site. Nice to see you here!
Great read! Thank you for this. Yes it has been a wild ride for sure. Thank you for your openness.
Thanks for commenting! You’re approved for all future comments as well!
Tam, hope you are coping well this week! Having the kids home helps, I’m sure ❤
Where do I click for the free ebook?