
Spooktacular Ghost Story Month: Catherine Kullmann

 Posted by on Oct 19, 2018 at 8:37 AM
Oct 192018
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I’ve teamed up with a bunch of other swell authors to bring you spine-tingling tales to get you in the Halloween spirit. All this month, I will introduce you to a new author and their Spooktacular ghost story.

Catherine Kullmann Spooktacular ghost story

Meet: Catherine Kullmann

Catherine Kullmann was born and educated in Dublin, Ireland. Following a three-year courtship conducted mostly by letter, she moved to Germany where she lived for over twenty-five years before returning to Ireland. She has a keen sense of history and of connection with the past, which so often determines the present.

She is fascinated by people and loves a good story, especially when characters come to life in a book. She is fanatical about language, especially using the right language as it would have been used during the period in which the story is set.

Her novels are set in the newly created United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland during the extended Regency period. The Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland of 1800, the Anglo-American war of 1812 and more than a decade of war that ended in the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815 are all events that continue to shape our modern world. It was a time of revolution and inspiration, still a patriarchal world where women had few or no rights, but they lived and loved and died, making the best lives they could for themselves and their children. And they began to raise their voices, demanding equality and emancipation.

At the same time, the aristocracy-led society was under attack from those who demanded social and political reform, while the industrial revolution saw the beginning of the transfer of wealth and ultimately power to those who knew how to exploit the new technologies. Join Catherine Kullmann in exploring this world.

The Zombi of Caisteal Dun spooktacular ghost story


Spooktacular Ghost Story Excerpt from: The Zombi of Caisteal Dun

Amabel sat bolt upright, still gripped by the horror of her dream, of seeing Rob, his uniform slashed and his wounds gaping, collapse at her feet. “Save me, Amabel, save us from the bottom-most pit and unending death in life. Only you can rescue us. Our time is running out.”

She had gone to her knees beside him but the dream dissolved when she tried to take him in her arms.

Their trunks were packed. She and Mamma would leave in a few hours. But before that, she would explore the bottom-most pit of the keep. Her dark green carriage dress lay ready for the morning. Shivering, she pulled it on over her nightgown. She looked at the matching half-boots and shook her head. Slippers would make less noise on the stone flags. Moving quietly so as not to disturb her maid, asleep in the adjoining dressing-room, she picked up the brass chamber lamp and slipped out of the room just as a dull bell tolled midnight. Under cover of its reverberations, she tip-toed along the landing to the rounded wall of the north turret.

From here one could reach the lowest level, the major had said when he showed them around the castle. She carefully inched open the heavy oak door, ears pricked for the slightest betraying sound. None came. Holding the lamp aloft, she squeezed past and stopped short, her knees suddenly weak. It was like looking down a well, except that triangular steps spiraled down into the depths and there was no shimmer of water below. If she had moved any faster, she could have lost her footing and pitched headfirst into the darkness.

One hand flat against the rough wall, she began to grope her way down, praying as she reached blindly for each step that her slippered foot would not catch in her skirts. With every spiral, the gleam from above grew fainter until she was finally swallowed by the darkness, suspended in her small glowing bubble of light, unsure whether she progressed downwards or just revolved moth-like around her own flame which must inevitably flicker and die, leaving her entombed in the murky gloom.

Go back, an inner voice counselled, but she could not, not if Rob needed her. Death in life, he had said. What could he mean? Had he become one of the ragged Black Watch phantoms said to roam the countryside around Caisteal Dun? Beneath her gown she wore the topaz cross he had given her at their last farewell. It was a sacred symbol, blessed by their love. She fumbled at her neck and drew it out, comforted by the familiar feel of the cool, cut stones. She pressed it to her lips and let it fall onto her breast. It would protect her and lead her to him.

Catherine Kullmann’s Links

website www.catherinekullmann.com/

Facebook page fb.me/catherinekullmannauthor

Amazon.com: https://goo.gl/J3hRIf

Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2n9Ljxi

For other fun Spooktacular ghost story reads check out these authors: Pam Lecky, Fiona Hogan, William Todd, D.J. Doyle, and me (Tam Francis). Look for their features in the next coming weeks!

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Tam Francis, authorTam Francis is a writer, blogger, swing dance teacher, avid vintage collector, and seamstress. She  shares her love of this genre through her novels, blog, and short stories. She enjoys hearing from you, sharing ideas, forging friendships, and exchanging guest blogs. For all the Girl in the Jitterbug Dress news, give-aways, events, and excitement, make sure to join her list and like her FB page! Join my list ~ Facebook page Can’t wait to read Tam’s spooktacular ghost story tomes. Check out these pages: Ghostoria or The Flapper Affair

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  2 Responses to “Spooktacular Ghost Story Month: Catherine Kullmann”

Comments (2)
  1. Catherine’s novels are rich with historical details and cracking good stories.

  2. Great post – love the historical background to Catherine’s novels.

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