The Story Behind the Story
by Tam Francis
Have you ever wondered how writers come up with their ideas? Why they choose a certain genre. Or WHY write such a specific sub-genre like ghost stories? I was recently asked to guest post on Gretchen Rix’s blog site. To entice you to check out her site, here’s an excerpt with the answers you seek:
Literature for Halloween?
You Bet! 
An Invitation
Gretchen has graciously invited me to hawk my new book Ghostoria: Vintage Tales of Fright on her blog. But, besides telling you what a fun and spooky read it is for Halloween and what it’s about, I wanted to share something special with you. I’d like to reveal the mystery of how one person can make a difference, or in this case two. If it wasn’t for Gretchen, and her sister Roxanne these stories never would have been written.
I had just moved from San Diego, California to the small town of Lockhart, Texas. I had no friends yet, and although Texans are friendly, fun and talkative, it sometimes takes a while to be invited in. I was desperate for something to distract me from my lonelies.
I had just finished writing my novel, The Girl in the Jitterbug Dress, when we moved, and I was looking for something else to sink my teeth into while I queried the novel.
The Impetus
That wish came true in the form of a flyer posted on our local library door. Our local library is not your run-of-the-mill indifferent kind of municipal library. It’s the oldest continuously operating library in all of Texas, built in 1899 with pressed tin ceiling, heavy dark wood trim, and a mezzanine with curling staircases.
The building is one of those spaces that oozes mystery, possibilities and a cosmic connection to the past….
For more visit Rix Cafe!
Did you check out her blog? Cool isn’t it? Let me know what you think over here or over there and don’t forget to take a gander at the books she’s got for sale!
Tam Francis is a writer, blogger, swing dance teacher, avid vintage collector, and seamstress. She shares her love of this genre through her novels, blog, and short stories. She enjoys hearing from you, sharing ideas, forging friendships, and exchanging guest blogs. For all the Girl in the Jitterbug Dress news, give-aways, events, and excitement, make sure to join her list and like her FB page! Join my list ~ Facebook page